The Travel Researcher

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future of travel agents

The Future of Travel Agents: Insights and Actionable Strategies

November 30, 20232 min read

As a travel researcher deeply involved in understanding the evolving landscape of the travel industry, I've uncovered some opportunistic trends shaping travel agents' future. 

The role of travel agents is not just surviving in the digital or 'book direct' era but is poised for a significant transformation. 

Here are key findings and three actionable strategies for travel agents to thrive in this changing environment.


1. Long-Term Planning:

  • Travellers, especially baby boomers, are increasingly engaging in long-term planning, thinking and planning their trips up to 10 years in advance.

  • This provides a unique opportunity for travel agents to cultivate long-term relationships.

2. Perpetual Travel Planning:

  • There’s a trend towards perpetual travel planning. Travellers continuously research and plan trips, often dedicating hundreds of hours yearly, particularly in the baby boomer segment.

3. Personalised Experiences:

  • Travellers seek more than just standard vacation packages. They desire personalised experiences that align with their interests, values, and lifestyles.


Actions for Travel Agents:

1. Develop Long-Term Client Relationships:

  • Implement a system to track client preferences, past trips, and future travel aspirations.

  • Regularly engage with clients, providing updates on destinations that align with their long-term travel plans.

  • Consider creating a newsletter or a blog that offers insights into future travel trends, unique destinations, and personalised travel tips.

2. Leverage Technology for Continuous Engagement:

  • Utilise CRM tools to maintain an ongoing conversation with clients. 

  • Offer a mix of automated and personalised content that keeps them engaged throughout their perpetual planning process.

  • This could include updates on new travel destinations, travel tips, and special offers tailored to their interests.

3. Focus on Customisation and Unique Experiences:

  • Train your team to curate unique travel experiences that cater to individual preferences.

  • This might involve specialised training in areas like eco-tourism, adventure travel, or cultural immersion trips.

  • Collaborate with local guides and experts to provide authentic experiences that are not easily replicated through online booking platforms.

In conclusion, the future of travel agents hinges on their ability to adapt to the evolving preferences of travellers. 

Travel agents can survive and thrive by focusing on long-term relationships, continuous engagement, and personalised experiences.

We do this in the Travel Marketing Machine 90 coaching program, using our traveller research combined with AI and chatGPT to create marketing campaigns and content.

Book a call with me here to find out more!

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Bronwyn White

I'm Bronwyn White, founder of the Travel Marketing Machine™. I have been researching travellers for over 25 years and have helped hundreds of businesses increase sales and bookings via evidence-based marketing and sales strategies. I have seen lots of change in how we market, sell and take bookings in travel.

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