The Travel Researcher

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Solo Traveller

Solo Traveller Marketing Tips for 2024

January 06, 20242 min read

Solo travel is growing, particularly for women over 50 and #babyboomers.


However, it is not a new trend. Solo women travelling more than men is something that has been coming up ever since I've been researching travellers since 2000.


Still, this segment is growing rapidly, with women seeking adventures, self-discovery, and unique experiences.


And travel brands are taking notice. #traveltrends


And it is not just divorced or widowed women travelling solo. There is also a large cohort of women whose husbands don't want to travel.


Marketing to the solo female traveller involves understanding their unique needs, preferences, and concerns. Especially inexperienced travellers.


In my experience, it just takes 1 trip, perhaps their first solo travel experience and then they become unstoppable!


Here are a few of my key findings to help you appeal and market to this lucrative sector.


Safety First
  • Safety is a top priority for solo female travellers. They want to feel secure wherever they go - especially inexperienced travellers.

  • Share testimonials and reviews from other solo female travellers who have had positive and safe experiences with your brand. Include safety tips and resources in your content to help them prepare for their travels.


Empowerment and Inspiration
  • Solo travel is often seen as a transformative and empowering experience. Highlight stories and content that showcase empowerment, personal growth, and the joys of solo exploration.

  • Use imagery and narratives that reflect independence, confidence, and the adventurous spirit of solo female travellers.

  • Share success stories and interviews with women who have travelled solo, focusing on the positive aspects and personal achievements.


Community and Connection
  • Many solo travellers look for opportunities to connect with others, whether locals or fellow travellers.

  • Create and promote group activities, social events, or online forums where solo travellers can connect before, during, and after their trips.

  • Offer local experiences that allow travellers to immerse themselves in the community and meet local women. Show that your brand values and facilitates connections and shared experiences.


Visually Compelling Content
  • Use images and videos that resonate with solo female travellers, showing women enjoying their travels independently.

  • Your visual content should be relatable and aspirational, reflecting the diversity of women who travel solo.


Respectful and Inclusive Language
  • Use language that speaks directly to solo female travellers without making assumptions about their reasons for travelling alone or their experiences.

  • Avoid stereotypes and focus on the positive aspects of solo travel. Make sure your messaging is inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of women from all backgrounds.


Have you travelled solo much in the course of your life?

Book a call here and let me help you book your solo travel adventure!


#solotravel  #marketing  #babyboomers  #over50

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Bronwyn White

I'm Bronwyn White, founder of the Travel Marketing Machine™. I have been researching travellers for over 25 years and have helped hundreds of businesses increase sales and bookings via evidence-based marketing and sales strategies. I have seen lots of change in how we market, sell and take bookings in travel.

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