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women of 1960s and 1970s

Baby Boomer Women: Pioneers of Gender Equality from the 1960s and 1970s

October 20, 20232 min read

The women of the 1960s and 1970s were trailblazers, challenging the status quo and reshaping history.

They are today's baby boomer generation.

Their disruptive activism laid the foundation for the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

Their fight for equal pay, equal treatment, and new opportunities serves as a reminder that progress is possible when individuals unite to challenge injustice and fight for a more equitable world.

It is time to remind our current generations of women how hard they fought for us.

 The late 1960s and early 1970s were pivotal times for women's liberation and activism, as women worldwide became disruptors in the fight for gender equality in general.

 Women boldly challenged societal norms and fought for equal pay, equal treatment, and new opportunities, leaving an indelible mark on history.

 One of the primary areas of focus during this time was the fight for equal pay. Women recognised the inherent inequality in the workplace, where they were often paid significantly less than their male counterparts for doing the same job.

Nothing much has changed in the area of equal pay. It seems absurd to me.

Women activists then emerged, raising their voices and demanding an end to this injustice. They organised strikes, protests, and campaigns aiming to disrupt the existing system that perpetuated wage discrimination.

Through their relentless efforts, women made significant strides towards achieving fairer pay, laying the groundwork for future advancements. We still have a ways to go.

These women are todays #babyboomers and we need to continue the fight.

It wasn't just equal pay. In the 1960s and 1970s, women fought for equal treatment in various spheres of life.

The women's lib movement of this era sought to open new doors of opportunity for women. They demanded access to education, career advancement, and leadership roles that had been predominantly reserved for men.

Activists fought for reproductive rights, pushing for access to birth control and safe abortions.

They challenged prevailing notions about marriage, sexuality, and motherhood, emphasising the importance of personal autonomy and choice.

These disruptors catalysed a profound cultural shift by broadening the scope of women's possibilities and redefining their roles in society.

The activism of women in the 1960s and 1970s was also characterised by its diversity and inclusivity. Women from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses united under a common cause, creating a powerful force for change.

Their collective actions paved the way for legislative reforms and policy changes that aimed to address gender inequality.


Let's keep going. It is more important than ever.

And next time you create an ad or content for boomer women, I hope you consider some of these amazing facts about her.

Book a call with me here if you want to learn more!

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Bronwyn White

I'm Bronwyn White, founder of the Travel Marketing Machine™. I have been researching travellers for over 25 years and have helped hundreds of businesses increase sales and bookings via evidence-based marketing and sales strategies. I have seen lots of change in how we market, sell and take bookings in travel.

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