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Travel path to purchase

How to Get Your Ideal Traveller From Dreaming About Travel to Booking

August 06, 20247 min read

In the crazy world of travel and tourism, understanding the traveller customer journey can set your business apart by ensuring a steady flow of enquiries and bookings when all the others are experiencing peaks and troughs.

Each stage represents a unique opportunity to engage with potential customers, ultimately driving enquiries and bookings without the constant worry of when and how those bookings will come in.

By leveraging insights from the Expedia Group Path to Purchase report, you can enhance the traveller experience at every stage of their journey, creating a pathway that brings awareness, engagement, and ultimately conversions.

1. Dreaming Stage

The journey begins in the dreaming stage, where travellers start to envision their next adventure. At this point, they are browsing casually, absorbing information and inspiration.

What are your potential customers doing? They are likely following travel influencers, bookmarking articles, and consuming travel content.

Key Insight: A staggering 65% of travellers seek inspiration from social media during this stage. Mostly by following friends and family on their travel adventures.

“Inspiration for wanting to go on trips has come from watching documentaries on travel, reading, seeing photos of faraway places and the wish to see, learn and experience more” Traveller research respondent +50

Travel Content Strategies

  • Inspirational Blogging and Articles: Create content rich in storytelling that evokes wonder and curiosity. For example, share stories of serene beach vacations, thrilling adventure trips, or exotic cultural experiences. Highlight unique aspects like hidden gems and local legends.

  • Cultural Connection: Share the vibrant stories of local life and traditions. Feature interviews with locals or profiles of unique cultural practices.

  • Nature and Wildlife: Use vivid images and stories to showcase breathtaking landscapes and wildlife encounters, such as safaris, national parks, or marine adventures.

  • Dreamy Images and Videos: Invest in high-resolution photography and videography that captures the beauty and spirit of the destinations. Use drone footage, time-lapses, and personal testimonials to bring stories to life.

This is your cue to invest in and encourage your clients to post on social media, showcasing visually captivating travel experiences and connecting with influencers who resonate with your brand.

Travel dreaming

2. Trigger Stage

The trigger stage is pivotal. It’s when dreams transition into actionable planning due to specific events or influences.

Your travellers are responding to milestones, special deals, or even a friendly chat about their next getaway.

Key Insight: According to Expedia, 54% of travellers begin planning after encountering a special deal.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Limited-Time Offers: Create urgency with time-sensitive promotions. Highlight these offers prominently across your digital platforms.

  • Milestone Campaigns: Develop campaigns centered around common milestones such as anniversaries, retirements, or significant birthdays.

  • Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality imagery and videos to inspire immediate action. Showcasing limited-time deals with enticing visuals can be particularly effective.

  • FOMO-Inducing Content: Highlight unique experiences that travellers would regret missing out on. Use testimonials and success stories to create a sense of urgency.

This is your opportunity to create limited-time offers and effectively leverage email marketing to remind prospective travellers about those enticing deals.

3. Planning Stage

Once the trigger is activated, travellers dive into detailed research and decision-making.

Expect them to bookmark blogs, read reviews, and watch vlogs as they compare options for flights, accommodation, and activities.

Key Insight: An impressive 80% of travellers spend up to eight weeks in this planning phase, touching 45 different information points. High yielding travellers can spend hundreds of hours researching travel - they are in a perpetual state of travel research with multiple trips on the go at any one time.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Cornerstone Content: Provide comprehensive, evergreen content that serves as a detailed guide. For example, create in-depth articles on "Top 10 Must-See Places in [Destination]" or "A Complete Guide to [Destination]."

  • Personalised Suggestions: Use quizzes and interactive tools to offer tailored travel suggestions. Itinerary builders that cater to individual travel styles and preferences can be particularly engaging.

  • SEO-Driven Content: Ensure content is discoverable through SEO practices, focusing on relevant keywords that align with traveller searches.

  • Visual Storytelling: Use high-quality images and videos to depict authentic travel experiences. Highlight user-generated content and local immersive activities.

Provide valuable content through blogs or vlogs that answer common questions and guide them through the planning process, establishing your brand as a trusted resource.

“100s and 1000s of hours!. I'm afraid I am a frustrated travel agent with a penchant for finding the best authentic deal.” Traveller research respondent +50

4. Booking Stage

As the plans solidify, the booking stage arrives.

Your customers are now ready to book flights, accommodation, and activities while seeking confirmation and reassurance.

Key Insight: A noteworthy 94% of leisure travellers switch devices from planning to booking.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Streamlined Booking Process: Ensure an intuitive and seamless booking experience. Reduce friction points and make the process as smooth as possible.

  • Clear Communication: Provide immediate booking confirmations and detailed itineraries. Reassure travellers with clear and concise communication.

  • Trust-Building Content: Highlight security measures, customer testimonials, and privacy policies. Show awards and recognitions to build trust.

  • Device Flexibility: Enable seamless transition between devices during the booking process.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless booking experience. Integrate live chat features or instant booking confirmation to alleviate any hesitation they might have.

5. Anticipation Stage

With the trip on the horizon, anticipation builds.

Travellers begin to research destination tips and prepare their itineraries.

Key Insight: A remarkable 85% of travellers engage in additional research post-booking.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Engaging Communication: Send tips, packing lists, and countdowns to maintain excitement. Share local cultural insights and must-see attractions.

  • Timely Information: Provide essential travel information and reassurance as the departure date approaches. Include weather updates, local events, and last-minute tips.

  • Upselling Opportunities: Offer additional services or experiences that enhance the trip. For example, suggest guided tours, special dining experiences, or adventure activities.

Here, you can keep the excitement alive by sending pre-trip emails filled with destination insights, entertainment suggestions, or even packing checklists, reinforcing their decision to choose you.

It is the best time to upsell as travellers seek a stronger relationship with your brand.

6. En Route Stage

As travellers embark on their journey, they seek information and updates.

Your customers are on the go, using mobile devices to check travel information and accessing real-time updates.

Key Insight: An impressive 70% use mobile devices for travel-related checks, emphasizing the importance of a robust mobile presence.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Mobile-Friendly Content: Ensure that all content is easily accessible on mobile devices. Optimise your website and communications for mobile use.

  • Real-Time Updates: Provide real-time information about flights, local weather, and transportation options. Use push notifications to keep travellers informed.

  • Engagement on the Go: Use push notifications and SMS to keep travellers informed and engaged. Offer support through chatbots or live customer service.

Ensure your website is fully optimised for mobile and consider developing a companion app or SMS alerts that provide timely travel updates.

Multigenerational travel

7. In Destination Stage

Now it’s time for the real adventure.

Travellers are exploring attractions, dining at local spots, and sharing their experiences on social media.

Key Insight: A significant 80% share their experiences online. Encourage this engagement by creating hashtags, promoting check-ins, or running contests that prompt customers to post about their journey, amplifying your brand visibility.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Local Insights: Provide guides and tips on local attractions, dining, and activities. Highlight lesser-known gems and local favourites.

  • Customer Support: Offer 24/7 support to address any issues or queries. Ensure travellers have access to help when they need it.

  • Encourage Sharing: Create opportunities for travellers to share their experiences on social media. Use branded hashtags and encourage tagging.

8. Post-Trip Sharing and Referrals Stage

Upon returning home, travellers reflect on their experiences.

They are sharing photos, stories, and writing reviews.

Key Insight: Around 75% post about their trips on social media, with 60% influenced by reviews when considering future travel. This is your invitation to solicit feedback, encourage reviews, and maintain relationships with past customers through post-trip follow-ups.

Travel Content Strategies:

  • Encourage Reviews: Prompt travellers to leave reviews and share their experiences. Use follow-up emails and incentives to encourage feedback.

  • Referral Programs: Implement programs that reward travellers for referring others. Offer discounts or exclusive offers for referrals.

  • Stay Engaged: Maintain communication with post-trip content and offers for future travel. Share newsletters with travel tips, new destinations, and exclusive deals.

In conclusion, understanding and engaging with travellers at each stage of their journey not only enhances their experience but also aligns with your business objectives.

Drawing from 25 years of experience interviewing and surveying thousands of travellers, I've seen firsthand how strategic insights can empower travel brands to optimise their customer interactions and drive bookings.

By implementing tailored strategies for each stage, you can turn every touchpoint into a valuable opportunity for connection and conversion.

For deeper insights, consider requesting The Travel Marketing Machine™ Free Traveller Customer Journey Report today.

Embrace this journey, and watch your bookings flourish with confidence.

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Bronwyn White

I'm Bronwyn White, founder of the Travel Marketing Machine™. I have been researching travellers for over 25 years and have helped hundreds of businesses increase sales and bookings via evidence-based marketing and sales strategies. I have seen lots of change in how we market, sell and take bookings in travel.

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